
Your questions answered

Common questions

  • Are you on the correct login page? You should be on a blue page where the first field is “Practice ID”.
  • Make sure your CAPS lock is off. The Practice ID and Login ID automatically capitalize. The password is case sensitive.
  • Make sure you don’t have any spaces in your Practice ID and Login ID.
  • If you are still unable to log in, please call (630-519-3558) or email us (
  • If there is an admin in your practice, they can reset your password. Otherwise, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and have the following information:
    • Practice ID
    • Login ID (or your full name if you do not recall your Login ID)
Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information:
  • Practice Name
  • Practice Address:
  • Practice Phone
  • Practice Fax:
  • Physician Full Names and NPIs:
  • Facilities you will be scheduling to:
  • Main Contact Name
  • Main Contact Phone:
  • Employees who will need logins to the system
    • Full Names:
    • Preferred Login IDs (optional):
    • Email Addresses:
    • Phone Numbers:
  • Is training needed?
    • If so, please give us some dates/times that would be best and if you would prefer in-person or virtual training.
Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information:
  • Practice Name
  • Practice Address:
  • Practice Phone
  • Practice Fax:
  • Physician Full Names and NPIs:
  • Facilities you will be scheduling to:
  • Main Contact Name
  • Main Contact Phone:
  • Employees who will need logins to the system
    • Full Names:
    • Preferred Login IDs (optional):
    • Email Addresses:
    • Phone Numbers:
  • Is training needed?
    • If so, please give us some dates/times that would be best and if you would prefer in-person or virtual training.

Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID and the user’s Login ID or full name that needs to be removed.

  • For removing a physician, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID, the physician’s name, and the date the physician left (approximate is fine).
  • For adding a physician, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID, the physician’s full name, and the physician’s NPI

Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID and the new office name, address, phone, and fax.

Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID, the facility you need to add, and the department(s) you will be submitting to (e.g. Surgery, GI, Cardiac)

Definitely! We can set up training free of cost. We do training in-person and over the web depending on your location and preference. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information:
  • Your Practice ID
  • The new employees names, email addresses, and phone numbers
  • The best times for training and whether you prefer virtual or onsite

Yes! Even if a facility does not utilize HealthNautica eORders, you still have the ability to fill out and send the forms through HealthNautica and we will fax them to the facility. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can discuss further.

Yes! Even if a facility does not utilize HealthNautica eORders, you still have the ability to fill out and send the forms thro
  • If you or another user in your office has not yet acknowledged the message,
    • then in the Alert Messages section on your practice homepage, click on the number at the end of the “Facility Responses ACTION NEEDED: Pending Surgeries/Procedures” link. Once you find the patient, you will see a message bubble in the “Facility Messages” column.  Once you’ve read the message, you can click Mark as Read at the bottom of the message.
  • If you don’t see the message in this list, someone must have already acknowledged it. Please look up the patient using “Surgery/Procedure Request Lookup” and you can click on the message bubble icon under the “Facility Messages” column to review the message. You will also see who acknowledged it.
ugh HealthNautica and we will fax them to the facility. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can discuss further.

There is a quick guide on Facility Responses in the “Quick Guides” section at the bottom of your practice homepage. You can always call (630-519-3558) or email us ( if you still need assistance.

  • Generally this is either due to an invalid character on the form or exceeding a character limit.
    • Please make sure that you are not using any of the following characters when filling out the form (especially when you are copying and pasting):
      • # (pound sign)
      • & (ampersand)
      • @ (at sign, the exception is it is OK to use in the email address)
      • ‘ (apostrophe)
    • Are there any sections where you are having to write a lot of information? If you don’t find any special characters on the form, it may be that there is a character limit being reached – please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can assist.
  • If you saved it as a draft, you should see it in the “Incomplete Surgery/Procedure Requests” list in your “Alert Messages” section.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Once you have submitted the eORder to the facility, you can always find it by doing a Surgery/Procedure Request Lookup regardless of what the status is.
  • If you submitted it and the facility has not yet responded, you should also see it in the “Awaiting Facility Action” list in your “Alert Messages” section.
  • If you submitted it and the facility has responded, as long as someone at your office has not yet acknowledged the response, you should also see it in either the “Facility Responses ACTION NEEDED” list or the “Facility Confirmations” list depending on how the facility responded.
  • If you are still unable to find the eORder, please give us a call (630-519-3558) and we will help you locate it for you.

There is a quick guide called “Choosing Insurance in eORders” in the “Quick Guides” section at the bottom of your practice homepage. If after viewing the guide, you still do not believe there is an insurance that is close enough to what your patient has, you can choose “Other” for Insurance and type out the name manually in the next field. You can always call (630-519-3558) or email us ( if you still need assistance.

When choosing the Attending MD/Assisting Surgeon, you must choose from HealthNautica’s provided list. In order to get the dropdown list, start typing the last name of the physician you need to input. Make sure you type at least the first 4 letters (or in the case of a physician with less than 4 letters in his/her last name, type the last name and then fill the remaining characters with spaces). Once you get to the third or fourth letter, the HealthNautica dropdown should override any browser dropdown that may appear. If you are still not able to get to the second page, please call us (630-519-3558) and we can help.

Generally, this is because either the patient has a Penicillin allergy or the patient is a minor in which case there should be an “alternate” antibiotic option to choose. If you believe that the antibiotic option is grayed out in error or you still do not know how to proceed, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID and the facility you are trying to submit to.

There is a quick guide on attaching documents in the “Quick Guides” section at the bottom of your practice homepage. You can always call (630-519-3558) or email us ( if you still need assistance.

We have the ability to interface with any EMR. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( to find out if we are already interfaced with your EMR or if you would like more information on how to get started.

If there is information you find yourself typing over and over on each eORder form, there are many options available to you to speed this up. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can help!

Yes, depending on your location. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can get training set up.

Yes. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can get training set up.

After pulling up a patient, you can click on any version under the “View Version History” column to view the changes made on any version of an eORder. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( if you are having trouble finding this section.

Yes, we will automatically check eligibility every time an eORder is submitted or updated as long as a valid insurance has been chosen and the payer allows it. PLEASE NOTE: If you choose “Other” for insurance, we will not run eligibility. If there is an insurance company you use a lot that you do not find in the insurance list, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we should be able to add it.

Yes, you can, but be aware that the facility may reject the eORder. If you are seeing a stop sign, that means that according to CMS guidelines, there may be an issue that would stop the payer from paying for the service. Although, it does depend on the insurance company. You have a lot of options to get rid of the stop sign when necessary. Please review the “Medical Necessity” guide in the “Quick Guides” section at the bottom of your practice homepage. You can always call (630-519-3558) or email us ( if you still need assistance.

Please use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari when using HealthNautica. If you use other browsers, there may be some features of the site that do not work properly.
Yes, as long as you have access to the internet and your login information, you can access HealthNautica.
Yes, as long as you have access to the internet (Chrome, Edge, or Safari browser), and your login information you can access HealthNautica from your tablet.
You should always check with the facility if there is a special situation with a patient, but in most cases, you should not need to submit any request on paper that you have already submitted through HealthNautica.

Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information and we can look into the request:

  • Your Practice ID
  • Your Name
  • The facility and form you would like to add something to
  • What you want to add to the form and why

Please view the “Clearing Cache” quick guide in the “Quick Guides” section on your homepage for instructions on how to clear cache and modify your browser settings. Please feel free to call (630-519-3558) or email us ( if you still have questions.

Certainly, as long as the facility allows it, we can create specific standing orders for the physician and/or procedure to easily attach to an eORder. Please call us (630-519-3558) and we can discuss the best way to create these customized physician orders.
  • Yes, we do have the ability for you to include a vendor on a case so they get a notification and case information. They also would get automatic updates when anything changes on the eORder. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can find out if vendor communication is already active for the facility(ies) you are scheduling for.
  • After pulling up a patient from one of your Alert Messages list or using the “Surgery/Procedure Lookup”, you will see a column called “Action”. In this column, you will either see a “Cancel” hyperlink or “Reinitiate” hyperlink.
    • In order to cancel the case, click the “Cancel” hyperlink and then indicate your reason for cancellation on the next screen. Once you click the “Cancel Surgery” button, the cancellation will go through to the facility.
    • If the case is currently canceled and you want to reinitiate, then you can click the “Reinitiate” link. Once it is reinitiated, you can then click the DOS link under the “Edit Surgery/Procedure” column to open up the eORder and make any edits.
First, look up the patient by entering partial patient information on the homepage and then clicking “Surgery/Procedure Request Lookup”. Once you find your patient, you can then click the DOS link under the “Edit Surgery/Procedure” column to open up the eORder and make any edits necessary. Once you have made your edits, click “Update” on page 2 to submit to the facility.
  • Yes, we can limit what type of eORders show in the Alert Messages section for any user in the account. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information:
    • Your Practice ID:
    • Your Login ID:
    • Which physician or office you want to appear in the list:
    • Do you schedule for any other physicians or office locations?:
  • Are you on the correct login page? You should be on a cream-colored page where the first field is “eORders Facility ID”.
  • Make sure your CAPS lock is off. The eORders Facility ID and User ID automatically capitalize. The password is case sensitive.
  • Make sure you don’t have any spaces in your eORders Facility ID and User ID.
  • If you are still unable to log in, please call (630-519-3558) or email us (
If there is an admin at your facility, they can reset your password. Otherwise, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and have the following information:
  • eORders Facility ID
  • User ID (or your full name if you do not recall your User ID)

    Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your eORders Facility ID, Login ID, and the login ID of a user that should have the same access.

    Depending on how your Incoming Queue is configured, eORders show up in a certain order and you may have limited the amount showing up in the queue. The quickest way to find an eORder that you are not seeing in the Incoming Queue is to do a lookup.

    • On your homepage in the “Surgery/Procedure Lookup” section, put in the patient’s last and first name (you can put in a partial name if you are unsure of spelling). If you are able to pull up the eORder this way, you can go into view the Current version and take action. If you do not see buttons to take action on page 2, you can always view the Action History by clicking on the question mark icon on page 2 of the eORder next to “Hospital Action” OR in the “Action Status” column from the listing page.
    • If you are still unable to find the eORder, have any questions about Action History, or how your Incoming Queue is configured, please call (630-519-3558) or email us (
    When you pull up the Incoming Queue OR do a lookup, you can click on any version under the “View Version History” column to view the changes made on any version of an eORder.
    • You can always view the Action History for an eORder by clicking on the question mark icon on page 2 of the eORder next to “Hospital Action ” OR by clicking the icon under the “Action Status’ ‘ column on the listing page. If you are still unable to find the eORder, have any questions about Action History, or how your Incoming Queue is configured, please call (630-519-3558) or email us (
    When you pull up an eORder, on the listing page there are two columns: Creation and Last Modification.
    • Creation will give you the name of who created the FIRST eORder version. You will also see a timestamp of when it was submitted.
    • Last Modification will give you the name of who modified the LATEST version of the eORder. You will also see a timestamp of when it was submitted.
    Definitely! Please call or send us an email with your eORders Facility ID, the department/form type (e.g. Surgery, GI, Cardiac), and which fields you want the copy icon added to.
    Yes, we do have the ability for you to include a vendor on a case so they get a notification and case information. They also would get automatic updates when anything changes on the eORder. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can get you set up with Vendor Communication through HealthNautica.
    Please use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari when using HealthNautica. If you use other browsers, there may be some features of the site that do not work properly.
    Yes, as long as you have access to the internet and your login information, you can access HealthNautica.
    Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information and we can look into the request:
    • Your Facility and Form/Department:
    • Your Name
    • What you need to add and any additional details surrounding your request
    To install the Alloy client image
      • This will open a prompt to Install or Don’t Install click Install
    • Then you will be prompted again to Install (this is why you will need administrator rights)
    • You may then get a prompt that Windows is protecting your PC, this is fine it is our software and is safe,
    • Click More Info
    • This will allow you to click Run Anyway
    • If you do not have .net 3.5 install it will prompt you to install
    • Once it’s complete you will now see the login prompt for Alloy
    • Are you on the correct login page? You should be on a blue page where the first field is “Practice ID”.
    • Make sure your CAPS lock is off. The Practice ID and Login ID automatically capitalize. The password is case sensitive.
    • Make sure you don’t have any spaces in your Practice ID and Login ID.
    • If you are still unable to log in, please call (630-519-3558) or email us (
    • If there is an admin in your practice, they can reset your password. Otherwise, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and have the following information:
      • Practice ID
      • Login ID (or your full name if you do not recall your Login ID)
    • Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information:
      • Practice Name:
      • Practice Tax ID (or SSN if solo practice):
      • Group NPI (if group practice):
      • Practice Specialty:
      • Practice Address:
      • Practice Phone:
      • Practice Fax:
      • Physician Full Names and NPIs:
      • Main Contact Name
      • Main Contact Phone:
      • Employees who will need logins to the system
        • Full Names:
        • Email Addresses:
        • Phone Numbers:
      • Is training necessary?
        • If so, please give us some dates/times that would be best and if you would prefer in-person or virtual training.

    Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID and the user’s Login ID or full name that needs to be removed.

    • For removing a physician, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID, the physician’s name, and the date the physician left (approximate is fine).
    • For adding a physician, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID, the physician’s full name, and the physician’s NPI

    Definitely! We can set up training free of cost. We do training in-person and over the web depending on your location and preference. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information:

    • Your Practice ID
    • The new employees names, email addresses, and phone numbers
    • The best times for training and whether you prefer virtual or onsite

    We have the ability to interface with any EMR. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( to find out if we are already interfaced with your EMR or if you would like more information on how to get started.

    Yes, depending on your location. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can get training set up.

    Yes. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can get training set up.

    Please use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari when using HealthNautica. If you use other browsers, there may be some features of the site that do not work properly.

    Yes, as long as you have access to the internet and your login information, you can access HealthNautica.

    Yes, as long as you have access to the internet (Chrome, Edge, or Safari browser), and your login information you can access HealthNautica from your tablet.

    Please view the “Clearing Cache” quick guide in the “Quick Guides” section on your homepage for instructions on how to clear cache and modify your browser settings. Please feel free to call (630-519-3558) or email us ( if you still have questions.

    • Are you on the correct login page? You should be on a blue page where the first field is “Practice ID”.
    • Make sure your CAPS lock is off. The Practice ID and Login ID automatically capitalize. The password is case sensitive.
    • Make sure you don’t have any spaces in your Practice ID and Login ID.
    • If you are still unable to log in, please call (630-519-3558) or email us (
    • If there is an admin in your practice, they can reset your password. Otherwise, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and have the following information:
      • Practice ID
      • Login ID (or your full name if you do not recall your Login ID)
    Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information:
    • Practice Name
    • Practice Address:
    • Practice Phone
    • Practice Fax:
    • Physician Full Names and NPIs:
    • Facilities you will be scheduling to:
    • Main Contact Name
    • Main Contact Phone:
    • Employees who will need logins to the system
      • Full Names:
      • Preferred Login IDs (optional):
      • Email Addresses:
      • Phone Numbers:
    • Is training needed?
      • If so, please give us some dates/times that would be best and if you would prefer in-person or virtual training.
    Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information:
    • Practice Name
    • Practice Address:
    • Practice Phone
    • Practice Fax:
    • Physician Full Names and NPIs:
    • Facilities you will be scheduling to:
    • Main Contact Name
    • Main Contact Phone:
    • Employees who will need logins to the system
      • Full Names:
      • Preferred Login IDs (optional):
      • Email Addresses:
      • Phone Numbers:
    • Is training needed?
      • If so, please give us some dates/times that would be best and if you would prefer in-person or virtual training.

    Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID and the user’s Login ID or full name that needs to be removed.

    • For removing a physician, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID, the physician’s name, and the date the physician left (approximate is fine).
    • For adding a physician, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID, the physician’s full name, and the physician’s NPI

    Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID and the new office name, address, phone, and fax.

    Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID, the facility you need to add, and the department(s) you will be submitting to (e.g. Surgery, GI, Cardiac)

    Definitely! We can set up training free of cost. We do training in-person and over the web depending on your location and preference. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information:
    • Your Practice ID
    • The new employees names, email addresses, and phone numbers
    • The best times for training and whether you prefer virtual or onsite

    Yes! Even if a facility does not utilize HealthNautica eORders, you still have the ability to fill out and send the forms through HealthNautica and we will fax them to the facility. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can discuss further.

    Yes! Even if a facility does not utilize HealthNautica eORders, you still have the ability to fill out and send the forms thro
    • If you or another user in your office has not yet acknowledged the message,
      • then in the Alert Messages section on your practice homepage, click on the number at the end of the “Facility Responses ACTION NEEDED: Pending Surgeries/Procedures” link. Once you find the patient, you will see a message bubble in the “Facility Messages” column.  Once you’ve read the message, you can click Mark as Read at the bottom of the message.
    • If you don’t see the message in this list, someone must have already acknowledged it. Please look up the patient using “Surgery/Procedure Request Lookup” and you can click on the message bubble icon under the “Facility Messages” column to review the message. You will also see who acknowledged it.
    ugh HealthNautica and we will fax them to the facility. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can discuss further.

    There is a quick guide on Facility Responses in the “Quick Guides” section at the bottom of your practice homepage. You can always call (630-519-3558) or email us ( if you still need assistance.

    • Generally this is either due to an invalid character on the form or exceeding a character limit.
      • Please make sure that you are not using any of the following characters when filling out the form (especially when you are copying and pasting):
        • # (pound sign)
        • & (ampersand)
        • @ (at sign, the exception is it is OK to use in the email address)
        • ‘ (apostrophe)
      • Are there any sections where you are having to write a lot of information? If you don’t find any special characters on the form, it may be that there is a character limit being reached – please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can assist.
    • If you saved it as a draft, you should see it in the “Incomplete Surgery/Procedure Requests” list in your “Alert Messages” section.
    • PLEASE NOTE: Once you have submitted the eORder to the facility, you can always find it by doing a Surgery/Procedure Request Lookup regardless of what the status is.
    • If you submitted it and the facility has not yet responded, you should also see it in the “Awaiting Facility Action” list in your “Alert Messages” section.
    • If you submitted it and the facility has responded, as long as someone at your office has not yet acknowledged the response, you should also see it in either the “Facility Responses ACTION NEEDED” list or the “Facility Confirmations” list depending on how the facility responded.
    • If you are still unable to find the eORder, please give us a call (630-519-3558) and we will help you locate it for you.

    There is a quick guide called “Choosing Insurance in eORders” in the “Quick Guides” section at the bottom of your practice homepage. If after viewing the guide, you still do not believe there is an insurance that is close enough to what your patient has, you can choose “Other” for Insurance and type out the name manually in the next field. You can always call (630-519-3558) or email us ( if you still need assistance.

    When choosing the Attending MD/Assisting Surgeon, you must choose from HealthNautica’s provided list. In order to get the dropdown list, start typing the last name of the physician you need to input. Make sure you type at least the first 4 letters (or in the case of a physician with less than 4 letters in his/her last name, type the last name and then fill the remaining characters with spaces). Once you get to the third or fourth letter, the HealthNautica dropdown should override any browser dropdown that may appear. If you are still not able to get to the second page, please call us (630-519-3558) and we can help.

    Generally, this is because either the patient has a Penicillin allergy or the patient is a minor in which case there should be an “alternate” antibiotic option to choose. If you believe that the antibiotic option is grayed out in error or you still do not know how to proceed, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your Practice ID and the facility you are trying to submit to.

    There is a quick guide on attaching documents in the “Quick Guides” section at the bottom of your practice homepage. You can always call (630-519-3558) or email us ( if you still need assistance.

    We have the ability to interface with any EMR. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( to find out if we are already interfaced with your EMR or if you would like more information on how to get started.

    If there is information you find yourself typing over and over on each eORder form, there are many options available to you to speed this up. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can help!

    Yes, depending on your location. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can get training set up.

    Yes. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can get training set up.

    After pulling up a patient, you can click on any version under the “View Version History” column to view the changes made on any version of an eORder. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( if you are having trouble finding this section.

    Yes, we will automatically check eligibility every time an eORder is submitted or updated as long as a valid insurance has been chosen and the payer allows it. PLEASE NOTE: If you choose “Other” for insurance, we will not run eligibility. If there is an insurance company you use a lot that you do not find in the insurance list, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we should be able to add it.

    Yes, you can, but be aware that the facility may reject the eORder. If you are seeing a stop sign, that means that according to CMS guidelines, there may be an issue that would stop the payer from paying for the service. Although, it does depend on the insurance company. You have a lot of options to get rid of the stop sign when necessary. Please review the “Medical Necessity” guide in the “Quick Guides” section at the bottom of your practice homepage. You can always call (630-519-3558) or email us ( if you still need assistance.

    Please use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari when using HealthNautica. If you use other browsers, there may be some features of the site that do not work properly.
    Yes, as long as you have access to the internet and your login information, you can access HealthNautica.
    Yes, as long as you have access to the internet (Chrome, Edge, or Safari browser), and your login information you can access HealthNautica from your tablet.
    You should always check with the facility if there is a special situation with a patient, but in most cases, you should not need to submit any request on paper that you have already submitted through HealthNautica.

    Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information and we can look into the request:

    • Your Practice ID
    • Your Name
    • The facility and form you would like to add something to
    • What you want to add to the form and why

    Please view the “Clearing Cache” quick guide in the “Quick Guides” section on your homepage for instructions on how to clear cache and modify your browser settings. Please feel free to call (630-519-3558) or email us ( if you still have questions.

    Certainly, as long as the facility allows it, we can create specific standing orders for the physician and/or procedure to easily attach to an eORder. Please call us (630-519-3558) and we can discuss the best way to create these customized physician orders.
    • Yes, we do have the ability for you to include a vendor on a case so they get a notification and case information. They also would get automatic updates when anything changes on the eORder. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can find out if vendor communication is already active for the facility(ies) you are scheduling for.
    • After pulling up a patient from one of your Alert Messages list or using the “Surgery/Procedure Lookup”, you will see a column called “Action”. In this column, you will either see a “Cancel” hyperlink or “Reinitiate” hyperlink.
      • In order to cancel the case, click the “Cancel” hyperlink and then indicate your reason for cancellation on the next screen. Once you click the “Cancel Surgery” button, the cancellation will go through to the facility.
      • If the case is currently canceled and you want to reinitiate, then you can click the “Reinitiate” link. Once it is reinitiated, you can then click the DOS link under the “Edit Surgery/Procedure” column to open up the eORder and make any edits.
    First, look up the patient by entering partial patient information on the homepage and then clicking “Surgery/Procedure Request Lookup”. Once you find your patient, you can then click the DOS link under the “Edit Surgery/Procedure” column to open up the eORder and make any edits necessary. Once you have made your edits, click “Update” on page 2 to submit to the facility.
    • Yes, we can limit what type of eORders show in the Alert Messages section for any user in the account. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information:
      • Your Practice ID:
      • Your Login ID:
      • Which physician or office you want to appear in the list:
      • Do you schedule for any other physicians or office locations?:
    • Are you on the correct login page? You should be on a cream-colored page where the first field is “eORders Facility ID”.
    • Make sure your CAPS lock is off. The eORders Facility ID and User ID automatically capitalize. The password is case sensitive.
    • Make sure you don’t have any spaces in your eORders Facility ID and User ID.
    • If you are still unable to log in, please call (630-519-3558) or email us (
    If there is an admin at your facility, they can reset your password. Otherwise, please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and have the following information:
    • eORders Facility ID
    • User ID (or your full name if you do not recall your User ID)

      Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with your eORders Facility ID, Login ID, and the login ID of a user that should have the same access.

      Depending on how your Incoming Queue is configured, eORders show up in a certain order and you may have limited the amount showing up in the queue. The quickest way to find an eORder that you are not seeing in the Incoming Queue is to do a lookup.

      • On your homepage in the “Surgery/Procedure Lookup” section, put in the patient’s last and first name (you can put in a partial name if you are unsure of spelling). If you are able to pull up the eORder this way, you can go into view the Current version and take action. If you do not see buttons to take action on page 2, you can always view the Action History by clicking on the question mark icon on page 2 of the eORder next to “Hospital Action” OR in the “Action Status” column from the listing page.
      • If you are still unable to find the eORder, have any questions about Action History, or how your Incoming Queue is configured, please call (630-519-3558) or email us (
      When you pull up the Incoming Queue OR do a lookup, you can click on any version under the “View Version History” column to view the changes made on any version of an eORder.
      • You can always view the Action History for an eORder by clicking on the question mark icon on page 2 of the eORder next to “Hospital Action ” OR by clicking the icon under the “Action Status’ ‘ column on the listing page. If you are still unable to find the eORder, have any questions about Action History, or how your Incoming Queue is configured, please call (630-519-3558) or email us (
      When you pull up an eORder, on the listing page there are two columns: Creation and Last Modification.
      • Creation will give you the name of who created the FIRST eORder version. You will also see a timestamp of when it was submitted.
      • Last Modification will give you the name of who modified the LATEST version of the eORder. You will also see a timestamp of when it was submitted.
      Definitely! Please call or send us an email with your eORders Facility ID, the department/form type (e.g. Surgery, GI, Cardiac), and which fields you want the copy icon added to.
      Yes, we do have the ability for you to include a vendor on a case so they get a notification and case information. They also would get automatic updates when anything changes on the eORder. Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( and we can get you set up with Vendor Communication through HealthNautica.
      Please use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari when using HealthNautica. If you use other browsers, there may be some features of the site that do not work properly.
      Yes, as long as you have access to the internet and your login information, you can access HealthNautica.
      Please call (630-519-3558) or email us ( with the following information and we can look into the request:
      • Your Facility and Form/Department:
      • Your Name
      • What you need to add and any additional details surrounding your request